
Park Updates

Craigtoun Tree Trail Now Open

Last week was Fife Outdoor Activities Week so it seemed like the perfect time to declare the Craigtoun Tree Trail officially "Open". Visitors to park over the summer will have noticed signs at a number of trees around the park but the launch was delayed until Tuesday 1st October.

The Tree Trail was developed by the Friends of Craigtoun Gardening Group over the past year, with the support of tree enthusiasts Ian Douglas, Judy Dowling and Nikki MacDonald. The aim of this project was to share the gardeners' enthusiasm for the many magnificent trees at Craigtoun with visitors to the park and 16 specimens were selected to form an educational tree trail. Free Tree Trail maps are available to pick up from the Ticket Office and the Craigtoun Cafe and this has now been supplemented with a more in-depth guide with information about each tree. There are 10 copies of this guide available for visitors to use while in the park to enhance their Craigtoun Tree Trail experience and we also have a scavenger hunt available to allow children to partake. The signage for the Tree Trail was funded by a gratefully received donation from Kinburn Trust.

As well as Willie Rennie MSP, last Tuesday's launch was attended by Councillor Ann Verner, Judy Dowling, Nikki MacDonald and Alan Graham, who was one of the long-time gardeners at Craigtoun when they were maintained by Fife Council, prior to falling under the governance of the Friends of Craigtoun.

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