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Games for the Rose Garden

The reappropriation of Craigtoun's beloved Rose Garden began in September 2022 when we made it a secure area to enable smaller children and children with special needs to experience a little freedom in the park, without being able to wander too far and, at that stage, we also added a gazebo to provide some shelter from the elements. Then, in October 2023, we identified this area as the perfect spot to install one of the three Communication Boards now located in the park. Having seen how well this new function for the Rose Garden has been received by our customers, it made sense to take this project to the next level by installing some sensory games too, with the help of donations received in recent months. These 4 sensory games, that are available for all to use, have been funded by generous donations received from Kilrymont St Andrews Rotary, the Rotary Club of St Andrews, the Rotary Club of Cupar and private donor and supporter of Craigtoun, Mrs Margaret Wood.

We were delighted to have the new function of the Rose Garden highlighted in the latest edition of The Saint St Andrews, which you can read here.

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